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This month’s Employee Spotlight is…

Dylan Kone – Jr IT Administrator

Dylan Kone – Senior Quality Assurance Specialist

1. Where did you grow up? Where do you reside now?

I grew up in Weston-super-Mare, England. I moved to the States as a child and now reside just outside of Ithaca, NY.

2. What guided you into the energy efficiency industry?

I was working with a temp agency that informed me of an opportunity at PSD. I applied and was hired and have enjoyed learning about energy efficiency since I came on board.

3. What does a day in Dylan’s life at PSD look like?

Onboarding and offboarding take up most of my daily duties. I also, take care of our staff at all levels, and in any technology-related situations.

4. Our company has five core values (Integrity, Passion, Collaboration, Vision, and Making an Impact). Which of these values resonates most with you and the work you do at PSD?

Collaboration. My work at PSD allows me to collaborate with multiple different departments and employees at all levels. I enjoy every minute of being able to work with other employees.

5. What is your favorite PSD-related memory?

The All Company meeting last October was my favorite PSD memory. I enjoyed meeting everyone face to face and even got to speak in front of everyone. It was something I will never forget.

6. What do you do when you aren’t at work? Do you have any interesting hobbies? 

If I’m not working, I am traveling or playing Star Citizen.

7. Do you have any pets?

No pets at the moment, but hopefully, down the road, I would like to get a border collie.

8. What is your favorite holiday?

The Christmas season is my favorite because no one is working, and there are no IT issues.

9. Favorite travel destination? Or dream travel destination?

I travel back home to the UK fairly often. It is one of my favorite places to explore.

10. Favorite musician/genre?

5 Finger Death Punch

11. What’s the top item that is still on your bucket list? Have you checked anything cool or fun off?

I don’t really have a bucket list, but if I did, I would say living a fully sustainable lifestyle would be at the top. 2nd would be learning how to arc weld.

12. What is an interesting thing about yourself that not a lot of people know?

I was born in the UK and ended up in foster care as a child. At times in my life, I was even homeless. I have come so far and am now an IT professional doing what I love.

Thank you, Dylan! We appreciate you taking the time to do this and are excited to have people get to know a little more about our employees here at PSD.