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This Quarters’ Employee Spotlight is…

Maggie Haefele – Business Technology Manager

Where did you grow up?  Where do you reside now?

Dana, Indiana. A very small town on the Indiana/Illinois boarder. I went to college in Terre Haute and moved to Indianapolis to start my career. I moved to Ithaca, NY in 2011 when my husband and I got married. He grew up in Ithaca and wanted to move back.

What did you want to be when you grew up (when you were child)?

Anesthesiologist, baker, comedian, architect…there has been quite a list. I started tinkering with computers when I was 9 and even more when our family got the internet (dial-up) when I was 12.

What guided you into the energy efficiency industry?

When I started at PSD, I was interested in the job more than the industry. However, after starting, I realized I enjoy that we must keep up with the ever-changing energy efficiency industry. Learning about all the fuels usages and understanding building science is a fun challenge.  I love working at PSD because of the ‘Team’ mentality of the Programs division and getting to interact with the Products team.

What does a day in the life of Maggie at PSD look it?

My work differs from day-to-day, which I enjoy! My days consist of keeping one foot in Programs and one foot in Products (development). I am a liaison between the two divisions. I found out early in my career that I love technology but I am too social to sit behind a computer all day. I work with the Program team help find solutions for production issues or plan, develop and test program changes or work closely with development to help them help me.

What is your favorite PSD-related memory?

After PSD successfully launched a new RNC program in early 2020, I brought in a pinata to the Ithaca office with snacks and treats from that state. It was nice to get the entire Ithaca office together to celebrate. (I sent the same treats to the Philly office and remote offices.) It was a huge win for the entire company, and I was happy to help and be a part of it!

What do you do when you aren’t at work?  Any interesting hobbies?

I am married with 2 kids, so I hang out with them a lot. In 2020, I got really into weightlifting and powerlifting. I am also a pretty good baker and I like to try out new recipes. I’m also a huge sports fan!

What is your favorite holiday?

4th of July because it’s warm and everyone is having a great time. And I love fireworks.

Favorite musician/genre?

I wouldn’t say my music taste is ‘good’ but I like what I like. I love late 90s/early 2000s rap and hip hop. I will also listen to a lot of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Taylor Swift or Nickelback. My music is mood dependent.

What’s the top item that is still on your bucket list? Have you checked anything cool or fun off?

I would like to get my PhD, just to see if I could do it. I love a good mental challenge. I have run marathons, went sky diving, been class 4 white water rafting, but the older I get, the more scared I am of getting hurt.

What is an interesting thing about yourself that not a lot of people know?

In college, I took guitar lessons and only learned a handful of Green Day and Nickelback songs, just in case I ever got handed a guitar at a concert. A skill I never needed and have since lost. I have also been to several Green Day and Nickelback concerts.

Thank you, Maggie! We really appreciate you taking the time to do this and are excited to have people get the chance to know a little more about our employees here at PSD.

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