Whole House Programs
[intro_text]Whole House programs take a “house-as-a-system” approach to achieve residential energy savings. These programs rely on high-quality residential energy assessments and comprehensive home improvement packages to generate long lasting energy savings. Strengthen customer relationships by lowering utility bills and increasing comfort in the home while supporting the growth of local small businesses.[/intro_text]
As program managers, we serve as the single point of responsibility, aligning the efforts of all stakeholders to program goals. Our proven program management tools will help you stay on schedule and on budget. We’ve been at the forefront of this industry since our involvement in the first Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program.
We have award-winning auditing software that allows service providers in our programs to conduct quick, but thorough, energy assessments of homes—helping them recommend the RIGHT energy conservation packages to get the MOST energy savings for the LEAST amount of investment.
Key Strengths

Customer Engagement
Sustainable programs rely on the “boots on the ground” to engage and educate homeowners, and ultimately sell the jobs. We are particularly proud of our ability to recruit, train, and support trade allies like auditors, contractors, and homebuilders. [/three_fourth] [clear]

Finance Integration
Through our IT systems and partnerships, we can seamlessly track financing and integrate resources with energy efficiency lenders. To learn more about our IT solutions click here [/three_fourth] [clear]

Keeping a finger on the pulse of a program is vital for success. Our program optimization software allows us to provide real-time tracking and reporting of program results at the home, customer, contractor and program level. To learn more about our program optimization software click here [/three_fourth] [clear]