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Eco Villiage at Ithaca: Designing For and With Community

By October 18, 1998August 9th, 2018No Comments

The EcoVillage at Ithaca project has been recognized as an international leader in the development of sustainable clustered housing. Under development since 1992, the last of thirty housing units in the “First Neighborhood” was occupied in summer of 1997. The project has received considerable media attention including an internationally broadcast feature on CNN, feature broadcasts on NPR and Nickelodeon, the front page of the New York Times real estate section, feature articles in Popular Science and American Demographics, coverage in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and numerous other publications.

Members of EVI and other interested parties from Cornell and the Ithaca area participated in the creation of “Guidelines for Development.” This document is being used by EVI to provide direction for the development of the land by various residents’ groups.

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Tagline: October 1998, Ithaca, NY
Written By: Greg Thomas