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Happy Earthday

[intro_text]At PSD, April 22nd – Earth Day, is a reminder of why we work so hard to help consumers reduce their energy consumption through our programs, software, and professional services. We want to thank our clients and program participants in helping us achieve this goal. Each utility, contractor, builder, rater, and consultant—the list could go on and on—have been instrumental in moving the market towards better and more efficient building practices. Through this work we have all been able to reduce the amount of energy that is used, carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, and wasteful money being spent on buildings.[/intro_text] By increasing the energy efficiency of homes through our four flagship home retrofit and new construction programs, we’ve managed to help people save a significant amount of energy. These programs save a cumulative of over 6,800 tons of Carbon Dioxide per year – CO2 is one of the main contributors to global warming.

[intro_text]Each year PSD’s Energy Efficiency Programs save an amount of energy equivalent to installing over 3200 photovoltaic systems on homes. That’s energy savings equivalent to 12 new solar systems every day![/intro_text]

[intro_text]Interested in learning more about how Performance Systems Development can help you implement your energy efficiency programs?[/intro_text]

Compass EE Program Software
Program Services