TREAT is one of the first tools approved for a program soft launch and Performance Systems Development has worked closely with program implementation staff to assist in the administration of CalTEST, verify TREAT models for use in the program, and set data quality standards through HPXML. Our very own CEO Greg Thomas first conceptualized HPXML, bringing the idea to BPI as a tool to standardize the home performance industry overall.
PSD originally introduced a data upload for efficiency programs transactions reported directly from TREAT in 2002. This data language reduced transaction costs and supported inventive automation of state programs so well that PSD approached the US EPA and received funding through BPI in order to develop the initial version of the HPXML standard. While management of the standard has since been taken over by the National Home Performance Council; PSD continues to be a major contributor to the effort to standardize building performance data through HPXML.
Our staff volunteers time and professional expertise on a number of working groups and national councils to support this effort. Recent adoption of HPXML in California, New York, Arizona, and other state programs show the growing national commitment to this data standard and the effect of data standardization in opening up the home performance market.
California program implementers will begin a soft launch of TREAT this month with a full launch into the program scheduled for April 2015. To learn more about the latest features in TREAT please visit our TREAT home page. From there you can download a free 30-day trial of TREAT and watch our great introductory videos for insight into using TREAT!
[notification type=”notification_info”]Don’t forget that TREAT Multifamily is DOE certified for all low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise Multifamily. Learning TREAT for use in the residential Energy Upgrade California Program can be a first step in using all of the expanded Multifamily features for larger jobs![/notification]