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As of January 1, 2025, we will no longer be selling TREAT single-family licenses or Support Renewal. You can continue to use TREAT with a single-family license as long as you wish. We will continue to sell TREAT multi-family licenses and support renewals as well as upgrades from single-family to multi-family.


Designed for buildings with 1-4 dwelling units, TREAT will help you show clients how your work will pay for itself with significant energy savings!

Anyone interested in Single-family modeling will now need to purchase a Multifamily license.


TREAT MF will help you sell more lucrative multifamily jobs. TREAT MF is DOE-approved for all residential & multifamily building types.

TREAT Multifamily also allows for Single-family modeling.


Multifamily TREAT is designed for building professionals working in large-scale buildings with 4 or more dwelling units. Upgrade Now!


Each renewal includes:

  • TREAT Updates and Upgrades
  • Submit tickets to TREAT Technical Support
  • One Free TREAT License Transfer
  • Free Attendance at Select TREAT Webinars
  • Active Support License Required
  • Select this option to transfer your TREAT license to another computer or user if you have already used your free transfer included with your support license. Includes installation assistance, if needed. After you submit your Serial Number with your purchase, you will need to re-activate your Serial Number with the installation key on the new system. Please allow 1-2 business days to complete the process. Transfer requests for TREAT 3.0.27 are no longer available and require upgrading to TREAT 3.1 or above. This upgrade is included as part of the annual support service contract.

Printable input forms for field data collection of Multifamily Buildings.  Includes two excel files named “Take Offs for TREAT Form” and “Field Data Forms” and contain 10 and 13 specific data collection tabs respectively.  These forms were developed to support the Multifamily audit process and are used by PSD’s engineers for their Multifamily work.


TREAT Hardware Requirements

  • Disk space: 2 GB
  • Windows Operating System: Windows XP, 7, 8, and Windows 10
  • Pointing device (i.e. touch screen devices are not supported)

Energy Programs

Designing and implementing cost-effective performance-based energy efficiency programs.

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PSD Compass is a configurable enterprise solution for energy efficiency programs and implementers.


Technology for large-scale electrification, Heat Pump + Retrofit Toolkit, standardized simulations and tools.

Energy Codes

Expert technical leadership achieving decarbonization, cost-effectiveness, resilience, and equity goals.

HERS Provider

Accredited Home Energy Rating Provider, offering nationwide technical support and services.


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